From seeking out answers in your past to creating something new in the present or simply offering a space for you to relax and rejuvenate your soul.
Contact me today and lets have a chat about how we start bringing in a future more meaningful to you without the added stress, pressure or expectation that we put on ourselves everyday.

Whether you know it now or later, we choose what we attract and react to, good or bad, we attract it, we just don’t realise we are doing it.

Out with the old and in with the new!

You have the potential, strength and power to change. Be the change you want to feel, see, know and hear.
Let the world shine back to you what a true & beautiful soul you are.

See below for a list of services I offer.

There are conditions and area’s that I can not work with:

Under 16’s
Bi-Polar Disorder
Boarderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
If you are working with another Therapist

If you are having thoughts of suicide or self harm, please reach out to your GP immediately.

Services Provided

Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Reiki Healing

Past Life Regression


Self Care Token

Angel Tarot & Oracle